
The taste of the revolution
History in your cup
On a warm night in November 1791, a young Toussaint L’Ouverture sat around a fire with his fellow countrymen, slaves at the time. They were determined to fight for their freedom, and liberation. After 13 years, they successfully defeated the French, and established the world’s first Black Republic, now known as Haïti, the land of mountains.
Coffee played an important role in the independence of Haïti. During L’Ouverture’s life, Haïti produced a third of the world’s coffee, and was France’s most prized colonial possession. Haïti’s coffee helped fund the revolution, and continues to play an important role in Haitian society to this day.
Why “Toussaint?” We created this roast to celebrate the founding father of the world’s first black republic, and Haiti’s rich coffee history. It’s our way of memorializing the fact that the Haitian Revolution, inspired the independence movements of Latin America, and led to the Louisiana purchase in the United States. The Haitian Revolution shaped the history of the western hemisphere as we know it. As such, we wanted to honor that history because our coffee comes with a story.
Our Toussaint light roast is cultivated in the historic Dondon region of Haïti, where the nation’s independence movement was born. The coffee trees which produce our Toussaint roast date back centuries. Each time you brew a cup of Toussaint, your drinking a piece of Haitian history. It’s an organic roast cultivated at 1,200 meters in Haiti's tropical mountain region. It imparts notes of almonds and has a smooth finish typical of island profile coffees, and loaded with caffeine.
"I was born a slave, but nature gave me a soul of a free man." – Toussaint L’Ouverture