I had the opportunity to travel to Manhattan at the end of October for the 2017 New York Coffee Festival. More than 2,500 coffee lovers from around the world came together to try some of the best coffee in the industry. Here are three important takeaways from the festival.
1 – The Coffee Industry is Evolving
Thanks to the near ubiquitousness nature of coffeeshops and early exposure to diverse demographics, the coffee industry is experiencing significant growth and a shift in narrative as millennials are seeking more than just a transactional experience when drinking their coffee. This generation of coffee aficionados and connoisseurs are looking for community and purpose in every cup.
2 – There’s a Growing Demand for Higher Quality Coffee
Coffee drinkers are actively searching for the best quality coffee and roasters who prepare blends to their liking. They are willing to purchase quality coffee at higher rates to ensure that the hints and flavors of their coffee meet their expectations without any surprises.
3 – Sensory Perception: Savoring a Growing Assortment of Flavors
The Specialty Coffee Association of America has created a flavor wheel by which all international coffee is rated and their nodes are recorded based on the flavors Americans best recognize. However, there’s a world of flavors outside of our domestic palate that few Americans have yet to experience. Adventurous coffee lovers are looking beyond our borders to discover flavors common in Latin America, Africa, and East Asia. What natural flavors would you like in your cup?