We’re celebrating Cameroon with this vibrant mocktail which takes the classic Espresso Tonic and infuses it with the sunshine flavors of Cameroon! We have two variations of this mocktail…why should we limit ourselves to one? Let’s dive in!
Pineapple Mountain 🍍
Fresh pineapple and ginger add a delightful twist, and its perfect for a refreshing summer drink. Don’t sleep on this! You’ll need the following to prepare your drink.
Total Time 30 minutes
Tall Glass | We like to use a Mason jar
2 shots of Xavi Espresso | If this is too strong for you use only 1 shot of Xavi Espresso
½ cup Fresh Pineapple, juiced
1 inch Ginger, grated (feel free to wash, cut, and drop it into a juicer or food processor
200 ml Tonic Water
Several small ice cubes | Xavi Espresso Ice Cubes or Tonic Ice Cubes
Sprig of fresh mint (for garnish)
Step 1 Peal and slice your pineapple into cubes, and drop it in your favorite juicer
Step 2
Wash and slice your ginger and drop into your juicer
Step 3
Mix freshly squeezed pineapple juice and grated ginger and pass through a colander or strainer
Step 4 Fill your glass with ice cubes (Xavi Ice Cubes or Tonic Ice Cubes for lasting flavor)
Step 5 Pour into your glass ⅓ of the way up with your fresh pineapple & ginger juice
Step 6 Gently pour in ⅓ of the Tonic Water
Step 7 Slow Pour the Xavi Espresso: You can let your Xavi espresso cool slightly or use a spoon to slow down the pour. This creates a beautiful layered effect and prevents excessive bubbles. Step 8 Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and enjoy! Step 9 Tag us online to receive a special surprise on your next order! — We love seeing your photos and hearing your stories!
Pineapples: This juicy fruit is abundant in Cameroon, in fact we’re thinking of growing some in our garden, and it adds a tropical sweetness to the drink, balancing the flavors of a strong Xavi espresso
Ginger: A common spice in Cameroonian cuisine, and in much of the Caribbean and global south. Ginger brings a subtle warmth and complexity to the flavor profile. Maybe you’re not a huge fan of ginger—I wasn’t for many years—but we encourage you to still give this a shot. Ginger’s strong healing benefits make it a spice you’ll always want to run to
If a double shot of our Xavi espresso is too strong for you, adjust to your preference
Dial in the amount of ginger to your preference. For a stronger ginger kick, use more grated ginger or a splash of ginger syrup
If you don't have a juicer, you can muddle fresh pineapple chunks in the bottom of the glass before adding other ingredients
Make it your own! Experiment with different garnishes like a pineapple wedge or a sprinkle of ground cinnamon
Option #2!! Try the Bissap Magic by switching out the pineapple and ginger for a delicious bissap syrup!
Tall Glass | We like to use a Mason jar
2 shots of Xavi Espresso | If this is too strong for you use only 1 shot of Xavi Espresso
2 tablespoons bissap syrup | Made from boiling Hibiscus flowers with sugar and water
200 ml Tonic Water
Several small ice cubes | Xavi Espresso Ice Cubes or Tonic Ice Cubes
Sprig of fresh mint (for garnish)
Step 1
Make your bissap syrup by bringing your hibiscus flower peddles to boil using water and sugar to your preference or buy it here
Step 2
Optional: Let your bissap syrup cool
Step 3
Fill your glass with ice cubes (Xavi Ice Cubes or Tonic Ice Cubes for lasting flavor)
Step 4
Add the 2 tablespoons of bissap syrup (if you add a few more tablespoons we’re NOT judging cause SUMMER!)
Step 5
Gently pour in the Tonic Water about half-way through
Step 6
Slow Pour the Xavi Espresso: You can let your Xavi espresso cool slightly or use a spoon to slow down the pour. This creates a beautiful layered effect and prevents excessive bubbles.
Step 7
Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and enjoy!
Step 8
Tag us online to receive a special surprise on your next order! — We love seeing your photos and hearing your stories!
Bissap: This vibrant red syrup is a staple in Cameroon, made from hibiscus flowers. It offers a tart and tangy flavor. FUN FACT: Bissap can be found all over the global south, in fact the hibiscus is Haiti’s national flower, and serves as our brand’s logo. Bissap juice or tea can be found in Guinea, West Africa, India, and close to home all over the Caribbean. In fact, in Nicaragua hibiscus or bissau juice is known as Jugo de Jamaica in Spanish. There are also many health benefits associated with drinking hibiscus tea or juice.
Adjust the amount of bissap syrup to your taste preference
If you can't find bissap syrup, you can substitute it with cranberry juice or another tart fruit juic
Make it your own! Experiment with other Cameroonian flavors like ginger or vanilla extract for a personalized touch
